Sunday, January 30, 2011

Minutes 30.1.11

Katie talked to Dr Smith about the garden. He wants to use some of the garden for his class. But not all of it. He wants to leave our plots and our raised beds, but use the rest of the empty space for his class. They’re going to fix up the greenhouse, expand the pavilion, build a fire pit, and other awesome things.
Garden here: spiral herb garden! Build it soon, so we can plant it in the spring. But there’s not much sun there. It does get afternoon sun, though, so it’d probably be fine. Callie will research. Start building 2nd week of February? Feb 7.
Garden managers meeting to set garden hours. Finish raised beds and get them filled before it gets warm. Start seed babies.
GH family time Thursday 5-7.
Saturdays=standing date at the Grundy County Food Bank. Thursday is the day they need us more, but it’s harder for us to get there then. Callie and Sean perhaps go? Carson and Katie on Mondays?
April is working on the calendar.
Carson is setting up dinner with the VC.
Carson is working on a proposal for Sandor Katz to come.
SMB this weekend. Carson invited 35 people: EMTs plus Earthkeepers. 9:30 AM. Carson needs to know how many people to plan for.
Hedwig got out 3x today. Thus, we should no longer put her in the tractor, which apparently is not hard to escape from.
What was the craziest thing you saw this weekend?
- Katie saw the chickens fighting and almost took out a bunch of Fijis with her car. Also, she saw some guy dancing shirtless on a table. He fell off.
- Callie hid from her entire sorority in order to compost.
- Carson also almost took out a bunch of Fijis with his car and wound up further from the road than he had intended.
- Deanna had a positive contra dancing experience.
- Kate escaped.
- Sean escaped with fish. And was mistaken for Bacchus.
- Rowan saw some lawyer handing out his business cards to frat boys “in case they need help.”
- April got kicked out of the weight room.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

GH Meeting 23.1.10

GH meeting 2011
Carson got an iPod.
Deanna is in charge of baking bread for the people who watched the chickens over the break. Do we have any of our flour left? Callie didn’t LIKE it. She says it was DIRTY. Because it came from the GROUND.
Help Deanna and friends make bread Thursday.
Deanna hung out with 80-year-olds. Apparently it was enlightening.
Team compost got the truck stuck at the leaf dump, so WATCH IT if you’re out there. The truck’s gone now—mud’s not. They’re composting 200-400 lbs of otherwise-waste per day.
Feb 1—Carson will submit request for Sandor Katz to come back.
We also need to have the VC over. sometime in February? something about Dean Hartman.
Leg+Carp or whatever—we need to be more proactive/organized so that everyone knows what they need to do to get things done.
Make an effort to go to the garden regularly—it’s the unifying thread for all GH members/endeavors.
We should also hang out more as a house. ‘Nother retreat? Dinner?
GH mini-retreat Friday 4-7.
Chicken yard is gross. How to fix? Fill it with a bunch of leaves and let them pack it down. Would mulch be good? Group activity!
Beautify the garden!
Sid Brown’s Buddhism and the Environment will use the GH garden. We’re supposed to teach them something.
Herb garden on top of the mug shelf or somewhere?
Shelf for transplant seedlings under living room window
Senior center could use help preparing lunch for people and doing dishes afterwards. They do it every day. They need substitutes. They start at 10:30 or 11, serve at noon, and then clean up.
Grundy County Food Bank- can take a van down on Monday afternoons and Saturday mornings (8:00-10:00).
Labor exchange for garden work. Work for food, pay, or free, and she’ll match you up with someone you can help.
April wants help making a calendar on Wednesday.
JAM? Kate and Callie will organize.
Check the chore chart.
SMB sometime.
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