Wednesday, September 30, 2009

TED talk, sustainable city

Spring GreenHouse Application!

There's one open spot in the GreenHouse for the spring semester of this year!  If you are currently abroad, or in need of a new room for second semester, we'd love to have you apply. This space is open to any student currently in the college. Applications are due by 12 noon, Thursday October 8th.

Living in the GreenHouse is all about making friends, caring about those around us, and living a more sustainable lifestyle. If you have any questions, or wonder if the GreenHouse is right for you, please contact any current GreenHouse member or Paul Dixon at

(If you have extenuating circumstances and do not anticipate completing the application on time, please email Paul ASAP and we can work something out.)


GreenHouse Application, Easter 2010
This is a paperless application. Please submit your application and resume as a single document to by Thursday. If you have questions, contact Paul at



Major or Potential Major:

Faculty Reference:

Please include your current resume.

From the following nine questions, pick six and write a short answer for each one:
1. Imagine you are planning a large scale Greenhouse sponsored event. What is the event? What are your goals for the event? What steps will you take to accomplish these goals?
2. If you could make one change to Sewanee, what would it be?
3. Tell us about the development of your environmental ethic. What changes have you made in your daily life in order to live according to this ethic?
4. As a member of the Greenhouse, what challenges do you think you might face?
5. Do you consider yourself an environmentalist? Justify your answer.
6. Tell us about a time in which you had a falling out with someone and describe how you overcame the problem.
7. What are your interests outside of environmental issues?
8. What do you see as the role of the Greenhouse? What do you think its role should be?
9. Write your own thought provoking question and answer it.

9/27 Meeting!

chessie made brownies. it was delicious.
Read on for the details.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Garden Mtg, 9/22

Here is what we talked about on Tuesday (please excuse its being late in coming out):

1. Betas
- Angie has been talking to a Beta contact (Anthony) and they will be signing up to work in the garden
- We need to make a calendar of garden activities. That way, we will know when we want to work on big projects so the Betas can sign up to help

2. Pea trellis
- A preliminary version went up on Thursday, with fencing running in the middle between the two pea rows
- We need to reinforce it with bamboo, which should happen today

3. Sowing
- We will sow some of the new seeds, like salad mix, in the beds that have
been prepared (where the cantaloupe and cucumbers were)
- Sow cover crop in empty rows

4. Blue Chair
- Compton brought basil, mint, oregano, arugula to the Blue Chair (!)
- They want things like more herbs (cilantro), tomatoes, cucumber, squash, mixed greens, zucchini, carrot
- We should be sowing things that the Blue Chair could use, because this is awesome

5. Garden signs
- We should order small signs so we can label what is where and when it was planted
- Can someone help with this?

Sunday, September 20, 2009


meeting minutes. READ IT NOW!

Greenhouse Meeting September 20, 2009

How was everyone's weekend?

kate is sick.
callie has some sweet callouses on her fingers from jamming out all the time.
compton: sweet concert.
Carson's mom had a great birthday.
paul had a great XC race.
Stella went home.
Keri is happy.

Kitchen Messy . . . what are we going to do about it?

Instead of having the big tub, we will have a little tupperware compost!
The big tub will be off of the porch.
make sure the dishes never have food on them. and rinse and put your own dishes in the dishwater.
flies will die soon, no worries.
let us not revert to the carson microwave fly horror story.
fly bloooooddd
no tea bags in the sink! in the compost.

McClurg Compost

Compost from kitchen at McClurg could be picked up by Greenhouse Members maybe three times a week.
Paul will talk to Scott Maino about it.
Greenhouse members think of your schedules and when you can commit to picking up the compost.

Chicken Blessing, 2pm Saturday

Official name of coop: HEN HALL
Kate and Stella will work on sign!
Carson & Compton (get list of people who we invited last year to house blessing)
keri & compton: invitations - regina.
armentrouts. registrar dude. smith.
Posters for Chicken Blessings: make one stella
Carson will bake bread
Callie and Keri ordering food for blessing
Callie doing facstaff and cstudent.
COOP CLEANUP maggie and angie, later part of the week.
Stella - Mountain Messenger - garden work hours and chicken blessing. Do by tmrw .

Reed Biodiesel

Let's do it guys! Not very expensive. his donation ought to cover all/most the cost. $250.
60cents/ gallon. can sell to community members, use the money to expand greenhouse
he would help us get oil form sonic etc.
how is it done? - filter oil and add lye, and little bit of fuel. high octane, appleseed setup, cycling and drying by itself.
Reed will send information about how to build it.
keri and carson to help biodiesel. meet with reed later this week. email him. get information from him.
tax concerns?
cstudent for blackmarket diesel.
talk to roco about dinero!
Kate- talk to rob bacchmun

How we can be more "green"

missionary shower. self timers covered in plastic bags and duck tape.
tally keeper .. . .poop chart! and when you flush the toilet, turn off and on the lights.
fires. . . ?
keri coming up with a system to measure our energy/resource use.

Canning workshop:

Compton in charge
happening in next 2 or 3 weeks.
similar to bread-making event.
weekend following that to take a tour of farm.
go to cool restaurants.

Blue chair

totally willing to get herbs: basil, parsley, oregano, mint.
paying for or trading desserts/coffee.

Food Waste Display

paul sending out email to ERs about food waste in McClurg.
Stella in charge.

classified CANDLES!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

waking up at the greenhouse

Today Chessie & Callie woke up each person in the house with a beautiful rendition of "Here comes the sun." It was fantastical.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Meeting Minutes!

fashion shows & rollup hugs...

1 thing we're really excited about
what we're going to do this week for the GH

kate: chickens! hosting craft night monday, 7-9p
stella: charlie! write messenger re: garden hours, work in garden this week
compton: yoga! greenhouse cookbook
callie: chemistry! tuesday suprise!
carson: angie! "we're doing an awesome job!" will volunteer.
angie: hardcore climbing! no more dinosaur computers! will organize DIY workshops with google doc
keri: climbing! chicken coop blessing prep
maggie: great weekend! angie & maggie will clean out coop
chessie: chicken coop blessing! callie & chessie have love & joy ideas
paul: celestial bodies! garden internship & class projects.

Thursday's Dinner:
dixon & annwn; angela; tom & pamela; meghan & kirk.
compton, kate & chessie cooking.
pizza? chicken of the woods?

carson & kate: gutters / rainwater catchment for coop.
will postpone meat bird project til future.
keri & stella will make new sign for greenhouse. "Chicken of the Woods" ?
Brainstorm coop name & names for chicken

Our House:
carson will make chore list
discussed dishwashing: rinse plate & put in dishwasher.
freebox: kate will maintain.
Kate & Angie announce the GreenHouse Costume Shop (located in the Futility Closet). Modeling session followed.
carson: explained printer, need to start turning out lights. Chessie will bring up new light.
bike power: benson & rocco might sponsor bike power generator, antique/auction guy interested. Kate working on this.
compton will attend leadership workshop on tuesday.

events / projects:
coop blessing planning - invitations - need to go out ASAP. Chessie & Keri.
Angie & Mitzi will plan garden job event for end of semester (november)
Friday Night Music Jam - coming up in a few weeks.
email compton for recipe book.

Thursday is overall day.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Link to GreenHouse expenses

Check your email for the link to the GreenHouse expense spreadsheet and please bookmark it! (Posting it on here isn't a good idea)

You will be able to edit it to add what you have spent. Please drop your request payment sheet by Kate so she can enter the codes before giving it to Dr. Zigler to sign and going to the accounts payable to receive your cash.
*It is very important to enter the amount in this spreadsheet!

Type rest of the post here

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Music Jam!

We had a music jam, bonfire & s'more roastin' extravaganza last Friday night. 'Twas a great start to the year.

9/6 meeting minutes

9/6 meeting minutes

  • possibility of meat chickens in spring? Based on success of egg chickens this fall. House supportive of the idea. Callie willing to spearhead.
  • Name for the coop? No consensus yet. Postpone until next year.
  • Paint chicken coop fence? Maggie will talk to Julie about finding people to paint it.
  • Angie is constructing chicken tractor. Angie & Carson will build soon. Paul will forward classifieds.
  • Chicken manager duties will rotate each month. We need to feed chickens more food scraps to reduce feed costs; put scraps in bucket outside of kitchen.
  • Maggie will talk to Julie & McCrady LLC folks about chicken chores
Saturday Potluck
  • Stella has invited garden / brakefield community folks. Plates from GH/outreach. Table or to set things out. Kate will make drinks; Carson will provide coolers. Angie/Chessie will bake bread. Carson, Stella, Maggie, Keri will find tables, decorate & set up. Carson will bring candles. Keri will make sign. Angie will bring bio truck to GH. Ask families to bring blankets? Kate & Angie may go to Good Will to grab blankets. Everyone will hang around afterwards and wash dishes.
  • get rid of trash party saturday 4pm
Thanks yous
  • Angie & Kate will buy $5 or $10 gift certificate from Mountain Breeze.
  • apple trees - paul
  • Angie - will mail
  • helen - angie/paul
  • Keri will stop by ice cream maker man and say thank you.
  • 70+ people came friday. WAY TO GO! (pictures in next post)
  • Mon / Wed 7a Yoga on the porch led by Angie. may open up to campus if goes well.
  • Talk to Angie ASAP re dates for workshops. Angie is developing schedule. Angie will present schedule by next Sunday. Angie is our official workshop co-ordinator. Tie Dye workshop - batik?
  • update from chessie & callie on house dinners
  • 9/8: House Dinner. Invite Sean? Try Kirk & Meghan again.
  • 9/17: Dinner with Dixon & Angela
  • Conference anyone?
Angie still investigating SERP.

Carson will make chore circle.

Stella will email list of of profs (provided by paul) of ENST - encourage garden/house participation

Thursday, September 3, 2009

the Bicycle Recycler

Check out this article:

It gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Oh yeah, you should check out this magazine in general because it's really amazing. There are copies in the library as well.

Type rest of the post here
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