Sunday, September 13, 2009

Meeting Minutes!

fashion shows & rollup hugs...

1 thing we're really excited about
what we're going to do this week for the GH

kate: chickens! hosting craft night monday, 7-9p
stella: charlie! write messenger re: garden hours, work in garden this week
compton: yoga! greenhouse cookbook
callie: chemistry! tuesday suprise!
carson: angie! "we're doing an awesome job!" will volunteer.
angie: hardcore climbing! no more dinosaur computers! will organize DIY workshops with google doc
keri: climbing! chicken coop blessing prep
maggie: great weekend! angie & maggie will clean out coop
chessie: chicken coop blessing! callie & chessie have love & joy ideas
paul: celestial bodies! garden internship & class projects.

Thursday's Dinner:
dixon & annwn; angela; tom & pamela; meghan & kirk.
compton, kate & chessie cooking.
pizza? chicken of the woods?

carson & kate: gutters / rainwater catchment for coop.
will postpone meat bird project til future.
keri & stella will make new sign for greenhouse. "Chicken of the Woods" ?
Brainstorm coop name & names for chicken

Our House:
carson will make chore list
discussed dishwashing: rinse plate & put in dishwasher.
freebox: kate will maintain.
Kate & Angie announce the GreenHouse Costume Shop (located in the Futility Closet). Modeling session followed.
carson: explained printer, need to start turning out lights. Chessie will bring up new light.
bike power: benson & rocco might sponsor bike power generator, antique/auction guy interested. Kate working on this.
compton will attend leadership workshop on tuesday.

events / projects:
coop blessing planning - invitations - need to go out ASAP. Chessie & Keri.
Angie & Mitzi will plan garden job event for end of semester (november)
Friday Night Music Jam - coming up in a few weeks.
email compton for recipe book.

Thursday is overall day.


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