What’s the strangest place you’ve ever been?
Carson went to a bachelor party
Katie got stuck somewhere
Sean went to SAE
Rowan went to a sketchy strip club
Deanna went to a truck stop in OH where there were burning buildings and things.
Callie went to a game room at a hot springs in WY.
Pam went to a club in England with purple walls and was underground with frat sludge.
Thomas went to the set of Thirteen Going On Thirty
Chelsea stumbled across a cagefight.
Never mind, Pam went to the Mütter Museum in Pennsylvania.
Chelsea wants to know what's up with summer garden interns. Something fairly permanent should be established for our garden. The intern would combine the garden internship with something else. Chelsea thinks there should be more structure to the internship. Be sure the intern knows what's planted where! We should be thinking about our vision for the student garden before we pick interns so that we can have a good, detailed, productive sit-down with the interns once they're chosen. There's an alternative source of funding, which is the DuPont grant to the Sustainability Steering Committee. It would be nice to have some kind of mentor or advisor type. We also need a better system for the animals--since the intern is living with another farmer, it's not practical for them to come back twice a day for animal care. The deadline to apply for funding is March 1, so we need to STEP ON IT. Chelsea wants the garden managers to write down our goals, dreams, wishes, etc. for the garden this summer.
SANDOR KATZ IS COMING! Monday, March 7, probably. He will speak to the fungi class or ecology or Intro to Biology or something, but also give a workshop here, for which we will need to buy the supplies. Probably at 7:30. There's apparently an article about him in the New Yorker.
Oh whoops, we're behind on applications for next year. Carson will send out a cstudent tomorrow, and we should discuss the application. Tuesday and Wednesday at 8.
Egg breakfast was awesome. Only 6 invitees didn't show, the food was delicious, etc. We need spoons, forks, a spatula, and non-disposable plates.
Composting on Saturday was great. The GH will consider footing the bill for Team Compost's tarps.
Spiral herb garden - Callie will call Lizzie tomorrow. We should have a group meeting this week where we'll go and gather rocks, gravel, etc. The next week we'll advertise around campus and have a community effort to actually build the thing.
ALL-GH MEETING NEXT SATURDAY AFTER COMPOST (NOON) to get stuff for the spiral garden.
Garden manager meeting Tuesday at breakfast.
Sean is now the Green House pope. If you don't go to garden hours, Sean will send you guilt.
Kate, Callie, Deanna are on for egg breakfast on the 26th.
Might we invite all the environmental studies faculty to the next egg breakfast?