Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I am working in the LAL right now and just heard some amazing news!
PPS has released their prioritized list and the renovation of the Richardson house and the one across the street are two and three.
Way to go GreenHousers!
This means someone heard us.
There is an $8,000 job at number one.
This all comes from Dr. Evans' mouth. He added on that he will believe when he sees it.
But things are promising...


Paul said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way to go greenhousers!

thanks for getting the word out bentley!

Unknown said...


Rob said...

I have the actual list as I am on the committee that looked at it (I was the one that told Evans). The order is correct. The first item is some drainage modification to make Guerry Garth less soggy (a good thing) and then the two houses. My vision is the Greenhouse and a Research Scholars house across the street from each other. Talk about some synergy! I will try to keep up with PPS on this and let everyone know when the project becomes a reality.

By the way, in regards to vision at the administrative level. That is not the current administration's strong point; so for now it is up to you students. Trust that you do have at least some ideas about what should be done. Also, trust that those of us who goad you on will also reign you in (we are sneaky that way). The GreenHouse is close to becoming a reality because of your vision and your hard work. You should all be very proud of what you have accomplished.

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