Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hi friends! So I've been biking on the levee these past few days and I wanted to show you all these pictures. Usually I say that I bike with the city on one side and the river on the other, but this is kind of an exageration because the river is normally out in the distance (beyond the trees that are in the picture on the right). But things are different this summer because of all the snow up north this past winter-- now that it's melting, the river is rising and has come up to the levee. You can see the water on the right of the path and the city on the left. The water is actually lower than it was a few weeks ago-- but it's still high enough in places for people to stand on the levee and go fishing.

Also I think this is really cool-- I pass by this place when I'm biking. It's somebody's garden right in the middle of the city. It's a little hard to see in the picture, but there are lots of rows of plants, and the sunflowers are blooming right now.


Unknown said...

Hey Helen, this is really cool..
I like the pictures of the levee because I am always confused as to what they look like.
Sweet pictures!!

Paul said...

awesome pictures. and nice garden there. That's crazy the river is so high.

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