Monday, June 9, 2008

Update from the mountain...

So a good bit has been going on that needs some sharing...
Firstly, the garden is alive and kicking. It has rained a ton here so watering has been almost unnecessary for the past 3 weeks. Unfortunately, the rain also waters the weeds and grass. So there has/was a lot of growth on a lot of the cover plants that required a ton of swing-blading. Luckily the individual rows have stayed pretty weed free. A lot of things are growing AMAZINGLY. A few rows have seen better days... But overall I think it is going well. Once we all get back together, I think we will have a lot of planning/reworking to do for next year's garden to make it easier to maintain and take care of.

I have also been trying to keep an eye on both of the houses that are to be renovated. The Richardson house is still the same. I peaked in yesterday and nothing has happened there. There was an elderly lady living in the house across from the Richardson house and she is beginning to move out. So although, no big progress, perhaps a glint of hope for us.

The biggest thing that has happened took place Friday. Dr. Evans invited me to talk at an Alumni Volunteer Weekend Domain Usage meeting. I, and a few others, just shared what we were doing on the Domain this summer. Of course I had to plug the Green House and the garden. Afterwards almost every question asked from the crowd was about the Green House and garden. Afterwards I spoke with some alums from Co'03 who LOVED what we had done. One of them had actually sat in on one of the important meetings when the EcoHouse was first proposed. They thought what we were doing was astounding. It really helped legitimate what we are trying to accomplish. So keep up the good work.


Unknown said...

thanks for the news
especially about the alumni meeting!
i'm glad that word is getting out about the greenhouse!

Laura said...

that's great news, Bentley. Thanks for sharing and for all the hard work.

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