Sunday, July 13, 2008

Okay so I walking through the Scottish countryside last night, thinking about the Organic Garden and had this brilliant image of the walkways lined with wine bottles and beer bottles- upside down with the necks pushed into the ground, being used as the sides for the raised beds. Since we can't recycle glass, why don't we just use them for something incredibly practice, instead of having to buy or scavenge for wood.
What do you think?

In any case, I think this calls for help from the ERs, to collect glass from all or some of the dorms (maybe start with one or two), and definately if we start collecting now from our homes and those living at Sewanee this summer, we could see how it works. So start saving!

P.S. when do find out who is our new ER leader person (aka new Lynn)?


Unknown said...

I think that is a great idea... I'll try to collect as much glass as I can

lisahowick said...

I know the community will be happy to oblige; just let people know where to deposit it safely

Steve Johnson said...

I think this is a killer idea Kate. Definitely something that would be both practical and visually appealing.
We should make sure to start out REALLY small though. If I am not mistaken, the University's glass collection got way out of hand - mainly from word-of-mouth.
But an awesome idea, nonetheless.

Kate said...

On depositing glass Lisa, I think it would be better to wait until I build a structure to hold it- in mid to late August. I can let you know when that is done and Bentley is right, we need to keep this really small, probably only to community members and then go from there.

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