Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Request for your ideas

Hey kids,
I'd like to put together a list of things that we would like to do in the house and surrounding yard, so that we have something to go on when we start meeting with faculty and staff about planning the house. This whole year will be the beginning of the house and so we probably won't have everything from the very beginning but we can begin to plan for things. Please send me an e-mail or post a comment with a note about what you want to see or make at the house. These can be immediate changes (clothesline) or goals for the next couple years (rain water collection) and they can range from big things (like building a mud or brick oven) or small things (some particular thing you want in the kitchen).

Next, I'd like to prepare a rough schedule of things to host in the first two months of school. We won't put together a specific schedule of events till we're all on campus; this is just a list of what we'll host. If we have a list prepared, we can go to Dean Hartman, the Activities Office, or other clubs and ask if they'd like to cosponsor the event or help us out. Can you also send or post your thoughts on activities and events you want to host this fall?

Thank you!


Kate said...

i would love to build a new mud brick oven- we definately need an herb garden really close to the kitchen- we should also put some outdoor sitting areas like a hammock and comfy outdoor chairs. could we have a campfire area too? and....maybe a hottub like dr. haskell has? I've seen a couple this summer and its super easy to build if we have all the recycled materials.

Kate said...

oh yeah okay concerning events- bread making class, lots of working days at the garden of course, including cob building workshop, maybe some kids events for big people for little people- bird house making, painting, and arty stuff, and if there is a bee keeping class in the area like the one near columbia, TN last year, it would be cool to host that and get a van there. I want to figure out how to make jam so there could be a workshop on that too.

Rebecca said...

i think we should plant pretty flowers in the yard as well, and some fruit trees in the back? i think its important that the house look as beautiful and as inviting as possible. i definitely want to have a greenhouse library where people in the community can borrow and sign out environmental books that we can all bring and contribute to. i think we should host lots of parties where we play board games or parlor games using as little electricity as possible to host everyone and prepare their food.

Jonathan said...

in addition to, and building on the stuff kate and rebecca said, which are great things, i think we could have craft classes for students as well to teach them stuff like knitting, crochet, bonsai, and glass cutting-- things that will open their eyes to a wonderful world of peace, happiness, and productivity, and proactivity. rebecca has this great book from the 70's that is devoted to craft instruction as well as . having fun in general, but its only one book out of a volume set of like 20. ive found the set on ebay for like $20-30, which may be a good purchase for that purpose. also , i think a mud brick oven would be awesome, and definitely flowers and fruit trees. as part of helen's and my individual project involving pedal power, i think it would be nice to have the first room on campus that is off the power grid. and maybe when we get the bike system all working we could have people ride the bike and power a light, or a t.v. so they can see the energy they're producing. also maybe we could look up contra dances and one of us could be a makeshift caller, and we could have greenhouse contra dances when there aren't ccc dances. i think that would be fun. also of course the weekly greenhouse music jam. well, this is getting long

Laura said...

(kate,) i know a thing or two about jam making.

I think that some blueberry bushes and an little herb garden would be useful. I can bring rosemary, basil, and mint to plant. I'll look into blueberry bush planting.

Also, I think it would be a good idea to make the presence of our garden know by, like kate suggested, garden work days, and also (weekly? biweeky?) open dinners using our produce to share with anyone who wants to come. And when our garden produce runs out, perhaps other local products.

Unknown said...

I'm all for blueberry bushes!!!!!
AND fruit trees!
I think fruit trees are a good idea : )

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