Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Green! House

Things that are green about our house:
Dual action, low water toliets
Low flow showerheads
Efficient, mercury free fire/smoke detectors and water sprinklers
VOC free paint
Green products used during carpet cleaning
CFL lights
Low odor varnish on floor
Energy *star* appliances

AND they are talking about putting in a water collection system for our garden.

Numbers of important PPS people and emails will be in the information hall.


Elspeth said...

Thanks Kate!

Elspeth said...

dual FLUSH! I'd be scared of dual action toilets. :-)

Laura said...

i sleep in a green t-shirt most nights.

Elspeth said...

and the green glow of the exit lights

Kate said...

and all the green stuff in chelsea's room

Paul said...

and the PEOPLE!!!!

we are what makes the GreenHouse GREEN!

seriously - our lifestyles can be the most green thing in the house - the challenge is how to make it visible.

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