Friday, December 19, 2008

christmas card!

Friends! Did you notice that the Green House is featured on the Sewanee Christmas Card that was sent out to all of the parents? You should track it down in your parents' Christmas card pile if you haven't already seen it and check it out. The caption on the back describes the Green House as "a welcoming residence for eleven student leaders of Sewanee's rapidly developing environmental initiatives." Pretty exciting :-)


Elspeth said...

wow! I asked my parents about it and they had no idea. "oh, that's where you live?" they asked when I found the card in a pile of old mail. Thanks for pointing it out, Helen!

Kate said...

Sweet! To bad they didn't take the picture when we had the snowmen in the front lawn. And that sick snow guitar.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Elspeth said...

Kate, I don't know if the snow guitar and nude walkway child would be considered "aesthetically pleasing"...

Unknown said...

aesthetically pleasing.... pshhhhhh... our snowman designs are top notch and have amazing curb appeal.

and YESSSSSSSS I was sooo SOOO excited when I saw our house on the Christmas card!!!

SOOOOOO great.

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