The GreenHousers try to make apparent two concepts: sustainable living & community engagement. We're passionate about people and the world we live in - we want to make a difference and make the world a better place. Here's what you should get excited about for next year:
- Each resident organizes at least one major event or event series (past examples include Haunted Houses & stream cleanups) per semester for the GreenHouse. You'll be responsible for thinking up the event, planning it & working with other groups/Greek organizations, advertising it, and co-coordinating how it actually happens.
- Many of us are active leaders in other groups on campus - we lead Housing Sewanee & other Outreach events/Trips, volunteer at the Farmer's Market or the Senior Citizens Center, and lead SOP trips.
- Next year, we'll be taking care of our very own flock of chickens. That means waking up to feed them in the morning, gather eggs, and then put them back in their coop at night. And then cleaning out the poop & soiled bedding each week.
- We get dirty in the garden every week. We expect each resident to spend one afternoon (3 hours) working in the garden each week.
- We place the compost buckets in McClurg every morning and then carrying them back to the GreenHouse compost pile every night.
- We have a house meeting (30 min to an hour) every Sunday night.
- We take the initiative on campus with regards to sustainability. We work with the administration, the student body & PPS to make life at Sewanee more sustainable.
- We work & live together, as a house. While we will do our best to be accommodating of friends who want to room together, we can not guarantee roommate preferences.
- We do chores around our house - cleaning the kitchen & family room, taking out the recycling, and exciting surprises for each other. And EVERYONE DOES THEIR DISHES!
- Develop students of all academic pursuits into creative and inquisitive servant leaders,
- Engage with the local community through active participation, and
- Promote involvement by faculty, their families and community so that we all may more fully
- Practice sustainable living here at Sewanee and in our global community as a means of
- Confronting a self-centered mindset that motivates local and global inequality.
wait, does that mean the chicken thing went through???
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