It is due by 5 PM on Friday, February 19. You will likely want to draft your short answer responses in Word so you can save and edit your work.
One required question on the application is to tell us which of the GreenHouse positions (excluding Los Jefes) you would excel at and find fulfilling. If none of the below positions appeal to you, define your own. While certainly not binding, your response will help us to craft a unique and diverse house. The positions are as follows:
I. Los Jefes (2) - the directors: Maintain the intentionality and house mission.
Seek to answer the following questions:
(1) Internal - How can the house residents live more durable, fulfilling, sustainable lifestyles, growing together as a family unit?
(1) External - How can the house implement the vision of sustainable living in Sewanee, while being goal driven and action oriented?
II. The Pen – the scribe: Details house activities in journal and online. Writes articles for the newspaper. Organizes and builds house library. Maintains the blog/Sustain Sewanee GH page. Photograph archiver. Makes house signage for sustainable/educational aspects.
III. Chick Magnet - chicken manager: Oversees the mental and physical well-being of the hens. Ensures Hen Hall is habitable, the purchase of food, and directing the chore of chicken care, including weekly check-list and egg count.
IV. Provost of the Compost - compost director: Monitors the garden compost, McClurg ambassador and Scott Maino's (McClurg director) best friend, coordinates the compost pick-up of the student and prep area compost, and investigates other sources of compost. Vermicomposting (worm composting).
V. Kid Coordinator – weekly elementary and middle school outreach: Continues the outreach program to teach children about gardening, composting, chickens, and other activities at the Green House. Coordinates with other organizations and houses (EMTs, Community Service House, Firefighters).
VI. Homesteader – education director: Gathers idea from housemates and works with them to coordinate logistics of DIY workshops, speakers, and documentaries. They will organize at least one major event every month and work on inviting a diverse group of students and community members.
VII. Garden Manager – Old Farm: Oversees the work of the garden, including bi-weekly garden work days open to the whole campus. Maintain the purpose of the old farm garden as supplying food for donation to the Community Action Committee or Grundy County Food Bank. Incorporate garden into curriculum (make it a PE or independent study) to teach garden workers Gardening 101/basics.
VIII. Garden Manager – New Farm: Oversees the house garden and land use at the Green House. Makes our land a teaching example of sustainable agricultural and living, including extending the growing season to feed the house and house events.
IX. Utility Witch – Measure consumed resources daily: gas, water, electric. estimates carbon footprint and living cost. Directs shower timing and appliance use. Evaluates house efficiency and appearance. Enacts practical solutions, emphasizing maintenance and consumption minimalization. Our ambassador to PPS. Also in charge of the maintenance and purchase of tools.
X. Checks and Balances - 'checks' = the house treasurer, reimbursements and account monitoring; 'balances' = coordinates with other organizations and houses on campus (EMTs, Community Service, Greek Organizations, Outreach Office). Volunteer coordinator for garden and huge projects. Advocates for maintaining an awesome relationship with local folk and farmers.
The voices of birds
5 years ago
Green House Purpose Statement
The Greenhouse is an intentional community of students enacting the vision of sustainable living at the University of the South.
As an “intentional community,” our actions are oriented toward a common purpose and, as importantly , our interactions, namely the relationships built among Greenhouse members, are the creative means by which we accomplish our vision.
We are a proactive response to an earth facing continual degradation by our own species, which has a common thread in self-interested consumption. It is threatening to the life-giving interactions between humans and the earth, as well as between humans themselves. Knowing of imminent and needed change to our relationship with the earth, we have hope for the freedom to choose, to make our actions intentional.
We are restorers of a lifestyle that sustains our cognizance of connection to the land, the sun, and its bounties. We collectively challenge the sources of a worsened world and aim towards solution, as is our responsibility as the earth’s inhabitants. We explore and demonstrate production and creation, rather than consumption. We educate ourselves, our fellow students, and our University’s administration. Sustainability is responding with actions to the following question: “What is the most efficient, creative, and life-giving way humans interact with each other and their environment?” We cannot help but analyze our interactions on every scale, from local to global, in our habitat, whether the built or natural environment. Such reflection urges us towards mutualism with the biotic world.
We sow the earth with seed, without the help of offensive chemicals. Upon harvest, we fortify our bodies with the nutritive yield and fortify the earth with sustainable agricultural practices.
As much as we work for fruition of the biome, we strive also to produce the intangible, manifest in our community relationships: infectiously joyful, simple, and exploratory living.
We do no harm.
The GreenHouse is a residing place for those exercising a durable and fulfilling lifestyle. It is a homestead, as it is comprised of the home structure, the land, and people. Housing environmental leaders, it is a hub for action and anti-complacency.
We aim to confront a self-centered mindset that motivates local and global inequality.
The sun will never set on a day where the Greenhouse has nothing left to strive for. As creation never ceases to unfold, neither does the challenge to live on this planet.
Green House Mission Statement
The Green House is an intentional community fostering environmentalism in two regards: Internally, we are family, quietly inspiring by leading a simple, durable, and fulfilling lifestyle. Externally, we are goal oriented: by educating ourselves and the University, we challenge the self serving consumptive mindset. Through creativity and happiness, we aim to do no harm.
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