Thomas—wants to be Wes Anderson/Rowan (to look at self naked)/Cormac McCarthy
Callie—Jenifer Aniston
20:10—Callie—Need to have a meeting about the rabbits: what to do with them, what to do about Big Mac, lunch meeting—Wednesday at 1:00 PM
20:12—April—Clean up mess in kitchen
20:15—Callie—Two activities over the weekend: Friday Night Jam, Saturday Morning Breakfast. FNJ—Facebook invite, more fliers, put it on the blog. SMB—Try and get the word out sooner to people.
Sean—Paul Farmer
Stewart—Fidel Castro/the guy out of Blow/April/Jesse Jackson/Lil’ Wayne/pretty girls for John Wayne
20:18—Callie—Cooking the bunny: rabbit stew, April, Rowan, Callie. NEXT Sunday Meeting.
(Bunny died from stress… Common occurrence.)
Bunny hide is still being soaked, soaked for 4 days, anyone who wants to help can help.
Is the rabbit dinner going to be public? Invite Rick?
Dr. Haskell coming over to discuss giving the rabbits better lives, unhappy with the way the situation with Big Mac transpired. Suggests that we buy books and read them and report on them to the rest of the hosue.
20:25—Thomas—Starting up the library with Dr. Potter, getting people to donate books, get a fund to buy books, magazine subscriptions.
20:26—Stewart—workshop to organize things in the dishwasher…
20:27—Deanna—Lending property of the greenhouse? Is that cool? … Need to keep good records of who has which books. Sign out system, going to build shelves.
20:28—Callie—Chicken and rabbits is the most important chore and people need to be very diligent, if you are gone get cover, it is a top priority for their livelihood. Need to get more food for rabbits and shavings for the chicken coop. Everyone needs to read the rabbit report, but should not base all knowledge on it.
20:32—Garden Managers—Garden hours, Tuesdays and Sundays 1-3 at Breakfield Garden. Need to get out advertisements in and around campus. Get chalks and go out and write! Weed pulling coming up, need to get things planted now. Winter plants: beets, carrots, wheat, kale, broccoli, pumpkins?
20:33—Thomas—GreenHouse Journal, everyone should write in it and record all the stories.
Katie—CEO of National Geogrphic
Deanna—Switch between Art Garfunkel and Paul Simon/Clint Eastwood
Kate—John Steinbeck
20:37—Deanna—Everyone needs to be on the food-working group. Sustainability master plan. Need to make cool stuff happen with McCardell, make proposals.
April—John Wayne
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