Sunday, November 20, 2011

meeting minutes 11/20/2011

eating cow turds that are delightful,

applications sent out, decision will be made by 3rd of December. Will send out email to

chickens - will slaughter 4 chickens on the 2nd 3rd or 4th of December. Will contact Jess Wilson.

what to do with all the coffee?
Study break during reading day - advertise it to students. December 8, 2011

Chore Switch-
Chickens- Parker and Deanna
Kitchen- Stewart and MM
Living room - Michael and Joanna
Love and Joy - Travis
Chicken scraps and compost take out - Stella and Ben
coffee on reading day - tarver and sarah and love and joy

Audio equipment to ATC at 12:30
Ben, Mary Michael and Michael

Michael Pollan will be speaking free in April in Chattanooga
Joanna will email link to you guys.

Garden photos

Monday, October 31, 2011

Apple Extravaganza was a great success (high five)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Greenhouse meeting minuttes

After the sun has set. . .
the apples were all eaten or drank and pumpkins carved into chickens or leaves

knees are brungung and the rest of joanna is cold.

where is ben?

same day as mtn top ball?
switched to Novemeber 18th.

what to do now -
make poster with print services- stella, sarah and parker. . start at 10-11 and finish at 3:00 pm.
send out c-student for artists - vocal and visual

direct musicians to Mary Michael, and artists to Joanna.

once poster is made - stewart will send out c-student.

save eggs for armentrout.

email mary michael your picture.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Greenhouse minutes

chore switch:
mary michael and stewart - living room (tuesdays especially)
michael and joanna - love and joy
sarah and tarver - kitchen
deanna and parker - compost, chicken scraps, and egg shells
stella and ben and travis - chickens

upcoming events:

Music night with Jack Nance and other musicians
-michael will send email out to everybody in mtn top musicians
-ben will send out email and make cake?
-music night at 6 pm -?
-michael and deanna will help with cookie making

Pumpkin Carving and Cider Making
-will find out about cider press soon
-michael will send out classifieds to see if there is a press available
-will order apples from farmers market, mary michael purchases
-sarah makes poster
-joanna sends c-student
-stewart facebook
-Sunday 3-6pm
-3 big ones and 10-15 medium ones
-buy cinnamon and nutmeg, tea candles
-pumpkin pies- made by stella
-mary michael calls kate hardin
-everybody helps with cider pressing!
-gather apples at noon (invite your friend)

Armentrout - November 12
mc- nominations
-ben brew
-elizabeth walker
-andrew bradshaw

Where we get coffee from-
Jumpoff mtn coffee
bread and cookies- deanna, ben, parker and tarver?
coffee (decaf also) and brewing and dispensing-michael
electronics/ projector - from mtn top musicians - michael
decorations/cleanup- stella and mary michael
propaganda -
coffee-table at noonish wed or thrusdaywill discuss further
poster- stella - sarah
c-studnet - stewart
facebook page - stewart

finding artists - sarah sending out c-student, and directing it to mary michael
schedule setter upper - Mary Michael
clean up major on sunday EVERYONE!!!!!

-work order on both heaters - stella
let's keep it off for now
-keep coop warm with light? get extension cord

garden work days
Thursday 2-4 pm parker
Sunday 10:30 am - 12:30 pm travis

Sarah makes poster

Parker talks to Travis about horse manure for plants. Tuesday they will get manure? Thursday during garden work hours they will plant.

Send pictures of yourself to Mary Michael

mwahaha done!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

greenhouse Minutes 9-18-2011


Michael's Birthday . . . the big 21
Travis plays trombone fantastically. Deanna and MM throw flowers at him.

We are all very happy that he was born.

Tarver is scared of doing minutes so MM is doing minutes!! yeah!
Ben supplies cake and LOVE AND JOYS. Much appreciated. Also, he says you should google:

google Emmanuel Kelly The X Factor

Stella makes contented 'yuuuummmmm' noises. Cake is delicious.
Stewart tried to play trombone and he stinks at it.

Milk: we're filling up a large jug with milk from the clerg and keeping it in the fridge for all to enjoy.
Stella coins a new phrase: "batch" of children.
Stella is in charge of milk.

Thing 1 might be sick. She will stay in solitary confinement till she gets better.
Chores: we'll stick with them one more week.
Everyone: send me (MM) a picture of yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MM will send out questions by email for a Meet the GH members sign.

Moving Planet: who's interested? Parker will ask about supplying face paints.
Native plant garden... Parker will maybe transplant some things from forest, as well as buy other native plants from nurseries. Michael can drive her.

Parker has reimbursement sheets. Everyone hold on to their receipts and contact Parker for reimbursement. Dr. Zigler is our advisor. Go see him, then go to the cashier's office

Cake has been devoured.

Someone returns Travis's really awesome chemistry goggles.

Parker and Joanna think it's weird to put meeting minutes on the blog. Instead, we could have a separate page for meeting minutes??
We should have an egg breakfast soon...we have lots of eggs. We could make eggs for Moving Planet.
Deviled eggs and face painting. perfecto.
Brakefield Garden is getting fences, and other organizations are getting involved. Ben suggests a public blog type website to update members of the community that want to participate. We could focus on GH garden, not Brakefield. Garden hours:

Michael and Parker and Tarver will take Thursdays, 2 p.m.
Mary Michael and Stella, Sunday mornings, 10 a.m.
Michael will send out cstudent

Ben suggests a small pond with fountain (Travis insists on fish.) Monument/dedication to all GreenHouse members.
AND/OR spiral herb garden.

ALSO: making bird feeders squirrel proof. Must protect squirrels from Stuart.

Could have pumpkin fest!!!!!!!! YEAH. Will discuss when October comes.
Also: cider-making workshop supplies. MM will talk to N Bowman

Armentrout. Usually in November. We'll set date later.

Sandor Katz possibly. We'll try. He's pretty cool.

As GH, we are leaders of campus sustainability, including energy consumption. We need to be aware of turning off lights and appliances. Unplug microwave! Lights: basement lights especially!

Travis likes burning flowers.

We'll make a sign of daily food waste.
Mary Michael and Stella will make cardboard chart/scatter plot and frequently asked questions.
Idea of SHOWING everyone the amount of daily waste. Putting entire amount of wasted food for all to see. Could be outside on tarp, or inside in trash cans.

Small signs on walls throughout house: some might be a bit preachy?? We might rewrite some of them to make the house as inviting as possible.

let's save the chicken.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall Garden Party

Thank you to everyone who came over on Sunday for food & friends (and a little drizzle).

...and some beautiful eggs. Thanks, ladies!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Meeting Minutes 9/4/2011

Sunday, 9/4/11

Present at meeting: everyone except for parker.
Compost MEeting tomorrow at 6 at the greenhouse.
master cookie expert sarah will make cookies, and remind all to bring schedule to meeting.

Fall garden party
Decided on Sunday at 5pm. will have a fire. ben and mary-michael and stella will provide music. stella will ask bea if she will play. ordered market food already. have a moment of silence for 9/11 at party.
Will have party at GH because we will be focusing on GH garden for the garden work hours. Will do the Spring party at Breakfield. (majority ruled.)
Burgers, (and toppings)
Sweet Potataoe fries,
Mint tea.
Stewart will make means patties.
Stella= the executioner??

Chickens eggs.
to eat or not to eat?
make quiche for vegetarians. Michael will do this.
Mint tea made by Stewart.
Fries: parker and tarver
mayo by Stella?? use 12 dozen eggs?

Grillers: Ben and Stew
Stella will research buns...
Michael will get Beta grill.
WalMart run: avacado, ketchup, 9 volt battery, cheese, charcoal, mustard,
^^Sarah will go thursday evening

Joanna will send a C-Student
Sarah will make a poster.

PArty at 5, serve at 6

Tarver will do a facebook event.

Michael has roll of paper for a sign in front of McClurg. Need markers? Chalk in front of McClurg. (Mary has the chalk.)
Friday morning: Mary and stella and travis will chalk up the clurg.

Parkers shoes are MIA.

Joanna: gardening at Benedict. GH can help. Joanna will see if its approved. Stella will run it by Nate.

Parents' Weekend?

festival in chatty will SOP and do a canoe trip. GH help with gas money, borrow from SOP canoes and food.
wIlliam's island SOP trip?

Haunted House idea. A lot of work. A lot of fun. We scare the people. outsiders to help.

Front door needs to be shut when the air is on.
Help out when cooking etc for the dishes.
Make more food.

Peace Coalition Meeting wed 6pm in Gailor.
Watching a movie tonight: The Garden.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Meeting minutes

We have gathered around in the den. Anticipation is high as we await the beginning of the first meeting of the 2011-2012 GreenHouse. Cookies are being snacked upon, and Ben has finished off the last one as Joanna finishes the last Tootsie Roll. And it begins...Stella speaks of the history of the GH (there is a large book of history, legends, and ancient myths of our fair house).
The question was posed "What would you like to see in the Green House this year?"
Sarah- An accepting house, where many people can coming together and share time together in a positive way.
Parker - Have a larger presence on campus, have positive associations for the GH, show people where we are and what we do
Deanna - GH as a home, but not an island. Working together but not closed off from the rest of Sewanee
Joanna - more events to have a larger exposure to different student (groups) on campus
Michael - students share idea with each other, sharing, teaching our skills to others, have others teach us their skills
Ben - nurture each other as a family, be there for one another as family and friends, help "sustain sewanee" to be more unified
Stella - wants the more familial feel, know every member of the GH
Tarver - agrees, drawing in more types of people, not just the standard environmentalist
MM - a place to grow, family under one roof while still at college, learning tool for us and others - becoming leaders and also learning about small every day tasks
Travis - exposure to new ideas
GH things - showering - using duck timer and taking military showers explained. we've decided that timing is not obligatory. it is encouraged because it keeps you accountable and shows people who come through the house.
Chores are currently being decided...the hat is being passed. our chores are chickens, kitchen, living room, love and joy, egg breakfast
Birthdays Parker - Feb 14
Joanna - Jan 6
Sarah - Nov 11
Ben Jan 14
Tarver - Jul 22
MM - April 24
Travis - May 26
Stella Nov 27
Deanna Aug 25
Michael - Sept 18
Deciding some year long jobs -
Treasurer = Parker
Scribe/Scrap booker = Tarver
Garden Manager - Stella
Captain Compost - Travis
Parker has idea for making a beautiful lawn
Think about moving bike rack
Some other stuff....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

12.1.11 meeting minutes

Let's clean the kitchen!

Let's share the eggs! French toast time Friday night 7-9, then bring leftovers to the ATC.

Sam has a chair-crush on our plaid chair. April and Callie say he can't have it. Please?

Don't forget slaughter 8:30 Thursday morning.

Supper 4:30 or 5.

1 2 3 4 5

"Like Holden Caulfield... or Babe."

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Bunny schedules should be sent out again.

Everyone tell Deanna you love her.

Clean your stuff out of the fridge! More than once a semester, ideally.

something about LXA and car washes.

New GHers come here whenever Ben says. By Wednesday.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

4.3.11 minutes

Liason for GH garden party (new GHers should plan)? Sean and Katie
Egg breakfast next Saturday.
Donate some eggs—Sean will clean and donate them.
Callie got bunny feed. Bunnies should be let out every day, but we need to stay out there with them so they don't get dogged.
Something about sausage.
Pam's fiddler friend is coming--mini coffeehouse 23.4.11?
How to spend budget? Improve animals' lives. Expand chix yard.
Dr Haskell wants us to get the yard fenced in. A good idea, but we should do it in such a way as to not hinder access to the house (barrier between rest of campus and us).
Deerproofing student garden. Physical 8-10 ft barrier. Buy posts because we're lazy bums.
Lydia sold us a drum composter! we should go get it.
Clean out coop--Callie and Deanna.
Rabbits. Should start fresh next year so there's no pressure for the program to continue unless people really want to. Harvest them all at the end of the year? Discuss with rabbit project folks. Callie will organize a meeting for this Friday.
Who's taking care of the garden and chickens this summer?
Who for egg breakfast? 2 favorite professors and senior citizens.
electrofence. :)
VC and Dean Love?

Sunday, March 6, 2011


50% of our poop is made of fungi and bacteria, says Callie.

Sandor Katz is getting here around noon, so if you want lunch at Julia's with him, meet at the GH at noon. The workshop is at 7:30; meet at 6 to clean up and set up.

Rabbits leave the nest next Tuesday.

Funny stories about people.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Minutes 27.2.11

something about applications.


Katie will organize critter care for spring break.

Rabbit babies--got wet, 2 died. Steps taken: heating pad under nesting box, plastic lining on most exposed walls. If you see Mary Michael around, thank her for being awesome and helping us get a heating pad.

Sandor Katz is here a week from tomorrow.

Chickens got their wings clipped today, but the newer ones will need it again before the end of the semester.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

20.2.11 minutes

Carson’s not here.
Tuesday is Tater’s 31st day.
Supper Wednesday at McClurg. can we steal a room in the McClurg upstairs? Callie will look into it. 17:00 or 18:00 Wednesday. Callie will set a time and e-mail out.
We need to have an event at 21:00 Saturday for Merit scholars. Oreo Olympics, bonfire, jam.
we need tea, firewood, Oreos,
Katie and Pam will advertise for that.
jam for GH and friends of GH- don’t open it to the campus because there will be too many people.

Canning workshop after spring break.
Sandor Katz at the beginning of March. We will discuss at the next meeting, since we need Carson.
Compost Revolution- sign up to proctor the compost.

Food bank tomorrow leaving at 12:20-2ish.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Application 2011-2012

Click HERE to apply!

Applications are due before Wednesday, March 2.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

minutes 13.2.11

Compost Revolution Week is next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Callie’s pumped. Thursday 12:00 at the GH- make table tents. Be there. Also sign up for 15-min slots to proctor the compost. Wednesday we're going to layer compost by age in an aquarium so people can see how awesome it is. Serve dirt? decorate McClurg? Will they let us do these things? Hope so. Compost-infused water. :D

Chalk art graffiti festival on Sunday night.
Bunnies are due this weekend! Assuming they're pregnant.

No GH love and family time this week, because we have info sessions. Info sessions are Tuesday and Wednesday at 8.

Should the dining council meeting be part of Compost Revolution time? Nah.

How to stop people stealing mugs from McClurg? Have a mug-painting day, like the pottery painting things.

Applications for next year: omit resume requirement and choose-your-role; ask about bunnies, but this has NO bearing on whether you're let in or not.

Stuart and Stella are next year's GH directors!

Sean TMIed.

Mountaintop Removal tomorrow in Convocation Hall. Come hear Dr Potter talk about how bad 'splosions can be.

Eggy Brekky at 9:30 Saturday. Lots of eggs, sausage, mushroom sausage, egg casserole.

Lambda burned something bad, and now they want to earn indulgences by working in our garden...?

We need to get the info for Chelsea. Should this be done as a house?

We need tea. Sean and Deanna will make carrot cake for the info session. Can Katie make biscotti?

Sunday, February 6, 2011


What’s the strangest place you’ve ever been?
Carson went to a bachelor party
Katie got stuck somewhere
Sean went to SAE
Rowan went to a sketchy strip club
Deanna went to a truck stop in OH where there were burning buildings and things.
Callie went to a game room at a hot springs in WY.
Pam went to a club in England with purple walls and was underground with frat sludge.
Thomas went to the set of Thirteen Going On Thirty
Chelsea stumbled across a cagefight.
Never mind, Pam went to the Mütter Museum in Pennsylvania.

Chelsea wants to know what's up with summer garden interns. Something fairly permanent should be established for our garden. The intern would combine the garden internship with something else. Chelsea thinks there should be more structure to the internship. Be sure the intern knows what's planted where! We should be thinking about our vision for the student garden before we pick interns so that we can have a good, detailed, productive sit-down with the interns once they're chosen. There's an alternative source of funding, which is the DuPont grant to the Sustainability Steering Committee. It would be nice to have some kind of mentor or advisor type. We also need a better system for the animals--since the intern is living with another farmer, it's not practical for them to come back twice a day for animal care. The deadline to apply for funding is March 1, so we need to STEP ON IT. Chelsea wants the garden managers to write down our goals, dreams, wishes, etc. for the garden this summer.

SANDOR KATZ IS COMING! Monday, March 7, probably. He will speak to the fungi class or ecology or Intro to Biology or something, but also give a workshop here, for which we will need to buy the supplies. Probably at 7:30. There's apparently an article about him in the New Yorker.

Oh whoops, we're behind on applications for next year. Carson will send out a cstudent tomorrow, and we should discuss the application. Tuesday and Wednesday at 8.

Egg breakfast was awesome. Only 6 invitees didn't show, the food was delicious, etc. We need spoons, forks, a spatula, and non-disposable plates.

Composting on Saturday was great. The GH will consider footing the bill for Team Compost's tarps.

Spiral herb garden - Callie will call Lizzie tomorrow. We should have a group meeting this week where we'll go and gather rocks, gravel, etc. The next week we'll advertise around campus and have a community effort to actually build the thing.

ALL-GH MEETING NEXT SATURDAY AFTER COMPOST (NOON) to get stuff for the spiral garden.

Garden manager meeting Tuesday at breakfast.

Sean is now the Green House pope. If you don't go to garden hours, Sean will send you guilt.

Kate, Callie, Deanna are on for egg breakfast on the 26th.

Might we invite all the environmental studies faculty to the next egg breakfast?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Minutes 30.1.11

Katie talked to Dr Smith about the garden. He wants to use some of the garden for his class. But not all of it. He wants to leave our plots and our raised beds, but use the rest of the empty space for his class. They’re going to fix up the greenhouse, expand the pavilion, build a fire pit, and other awesome things.
Garden here: spiral herb garden! Build it soon, so we can plant it in the spring. But there’s not much sun there. It does get afternoon sun, though, so it’d probably be fine. Callie will research. Start building 2nd week of February? Feb 7.
Garden managers meeting to set garden hours. Finish raised beds and get them filled before it gets warm. Start seed babies.
GH family time Thursday 5-7.
Saturdays=standing date at the Grundy County Food Bank. Thursday is the day they need us more, but it’s harder for us to get there then. Callie and Sean perhaps go? Carson and Katie on Mondays?
April is working on the calendar.
Carson is setting up dinner with the VC.
Carson is working on a proposal for Sandor Katz to come.
SMB this weekend. Carson invited 35 people: EMTs plus Earthkeepers. 9:30 AM. Carson needs to know how many people to plan for.
Hedwig got out 3x today. Thus, we should no longer put her in the tractor, which apparently is not hard to escape from.
What was the craziest thing you saw this weekend?
- Katie saw the chickens fighting and almost took out a bunch of Fijis with her car. Also, she saw some guy dancing shirtless on a table. He fell off.
- Callie hid from her entire sorority in order to compost.
- Carson also almost took out a bunch of Fijis with his car and wound up further from the road than he had intended.
- Deanna had a positive contra dancing experience.
- Kate escaped.
- Sean escaped with fish. And was mistaken for Bacchus.
- Rowan saw some lawyer handing out his business cards to frat boys “in case they need help.”
- April got kicked out of the weight room.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

GH Meeting 23.1.10

GH meeting 2011
Carson got an iPod.
Deanna is in charge of baking bread for the people who watched the chickens over the break. Do we have any of our flour left? Callie didn’t LIKE it. She says it was DIRTY. Because it came from the GROUND.
Help Deanna and friends make bread Thursday.
Deanna hung out with 80-year-olds. Apparently it was enlightening.
Team compost got the truck stuck at the leaf dump, so WATCH IT if you’re out there. The truck’s gone now—mud’s not. They’re composting 200-400 lbs of otherwise-waste per day.
Feb 1—Carson will submit request for Sandor Katz to come back.
We also need to have the VC over. sometime in February? something about Dean Hartman.
Leg+Carp or whatever—we need to be more proactive/organized so that everyone knows what they need to do to get things done.
Make an effort to go to the garden regularly—it’s the unifying thread for all GH members/endeavors.
We should also hang out more as a house. ‘Nother retreat? Dinner?
GH mini-retreat Friday 4-7.
Chicken yard is gross. How to fix? Fill it with a bunch of leaves and let them pack it down. Would mulch be good? Group activity!
Beautify the garden!
Sid Brown’s Buddhism and the Environment will use the GH garden. We’re supposed to teach them something.
Herb garden on top of the mug shelf or somewhere?
Shelf for transplant seedlings under living room window
Senior center could use help preparing lunch for people and doing dishes afterwards. They do it every day. They need substitutes. They start at 10:30 or 11, serve at noon, and then clean up.
Grundy County Food Bank- can take a van down on Monday afternoons and Saturday mornings (8:00-10:00).
Labor exchange for garden work. Work for food, pay, or free, and she’ll match you up with someone you can help.
April wants help making a calendar on Wednesday.
JAM? Kate and Callie will organize.
Check the chore chart.
SMB sometime.
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