Sunday, September 18, 2011

greenhouse Minutes 9-18-2011


Michael's Birthday . . . the big 21
Travis plays trombone fantastically. Deanna and MM throw flowers at him.

We are all very happy that he was born.

Tarver is scared of doing minutes so MM is doing minutes!! yeah!
Ben supplies cake and LOVE AND JOYS. Much appreciated. Also, he says you should google:

google Emmanuel Kelly The X Factor

Stella makes contented 'yuuuummmmm' noises. Cake is delicious.
Stewart tried to play trombone and he stinks at it.

Milk: we're filling up a large jug with milk from the clerg and keeping it in the fridge for all to enjoy.
Stella coins a new phrase: "batch" of children.
Stella is in charge of milk.

Thing 1 might be sick. She will stay in solitary confinement till she gets better.
Chores: we'll stick with them one more week.
Everyone: send me (MM) a picture of yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MM will send out questions by email for a Meet the GH members sign.

Moving Planet: who's interested? Parker will ask about supplying face paints.
Native plant garden... Parker will maybe transplant some things from forest, as well as buy other native plants from nurseries. Michael can drive her.

Parker has reimbursement sheets. Everyone hold on to their receipts and contact Parker for reimbursement. Dr. Zigler is our advisor. Go see him, then go to the cashier's office

Cake has been devoured.

Someone returns Travis's really awesome chemistry goggles.

Parker and Joanna think it's weird to put meeting minutes on the blog. Instead, we could have a separate page for meeting minutes??
We should have an egg breakfast soon...we have lots of eggs. We could make eggs for Moving Planet.
Deviled eggs and face painting. perfecto.
Brakefield Garden is getting fences, and other organizations are getting involved. Ben suggests a public blog type website to update members of the community that want to participate. We could focus on GH garden, not Brakefield. Garden hours:

Michael and Parker and Tarver will take Thursdays, 2 p.m.
Mary Michael and Stella, Sunday mornings, 10 a.m.
Michael will send out cstudent

Ben suggests a small pond with fountain (Travis insists on fish.) Monument/dedication to all GreenHouse members.
AND/OR spiral herb garden.

ALSO: making bird feeders squirrel proof. Must protect squirrels from Stuart.

Could have pumpkin fest!!!!!!!! YEAH. Will discuss when October comes.
Also: cider-making workshop supplies. MM will talk to N Bowman

Armentrout. Usually in November. We'll set date later.

Sandor Katz possibly. We'll try. He's pretty cool.

As GH, we are leaders of campus sustainability, including energy consumption. We need to be aware of turning off lights and appliances. Unplug microwave! Lights: basement lights especially!

Travis likes burning flowers.

We'll make a sign of daily food waste.
Mary Michael and Stella will make cardboard chart/scatter plot and frequently asked questions.
Idea of SHOWING everyone the amount of daily waste. Putting entire amount of wasted food for all to see. Could be outside on tarp, or inside in trash cans.

Small signs on walls throughout house: some might be a bit preachy?? We might rewrite some of them to make the house as inviting as possible.

let's save the chicken.

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