The raven flies into the room
Callie asked ADT to help with haunted house – they are enthusiastic but can only give between $75-100 – maybe we could ask a frat? Callie thinks she might be able to find the money.
Set a date for arm and trout coffee house. Probably have to have it in November right after the haunted house. Armandtrout: Saturday November 14th? Angie is going to lead the way for the coffeehouse. Need good advertising and invites. Maggie and Stella will help with the coffeehouse.
Chessie KNOWS that Halloween is the 31st!
How to get chickens from coop to house garden (25 ft):
Transport in mass instead of catching one by one. Make a tunnel from the coop to the garden and chase them from one place to the other – might be a big connection – maybe run the far side over to the garden – maybe the orange stuff from construction sites (can be taken down during special events). Problem is that they are not that hard to move but it is just time consuming. Decide when they stay in the coop and when they go to the garden. Chicken runs always get yucky like ours is now. Shelter in the garden and let them stay in the garden while the other coop re-vegetates. Would the chickens wander that far if we made a run? Need runs anyway especially to the Nepal grass because the garden is not enough. Maybe we just need movable fencing. Like plastic mesh fencing. Carson will look into buying this fencing online. Chickens will run from garden to coop but not from coop to garden. Maybe we can put their food in the garden? Food has to stay inside at night or during rain.
Chickens need more grass – may be problematic to have them in the garden when there is more stuff planted there.
Electric fence? Too expensive. Seems to work well for the keeners. Battery charger solar panel at garden that could charge an electric fence. Paul finds a good electric fence online that is $200.
If you put wheels on the chicken tractor, one person could put them in it and wheel them to the garden in the mornings. We could use rebar for the axle. Stella thinks we should just get a wagon and build a structure over it.
We are not going with fencing right now – too expensive. But we need to figure something out now. Keri and Compton offered to help Callie in the morning with getting the chickens to the garden. Keri offered to go to the hardware store in Winchester to buy stuff for the chicken tractor. Goal is to try to get the chickens to the garden everyday this week.
Wicket tried to eat the chickens today. Bad news bears. Carson will talk about it. Tell some betas to keep up with their own dog.
SERP has $477.
Kate: found a kit for the bike thing. Wastenot has money. John Benson is going to look at it and see if it’s something he’s interested in. It is very expensive! Paul is uncomfortable about spending so much money on something we are not exactly sure about it. We can simply connect the bike mechanically to something – not very versatile. There is probably a simpler way to produce electricity. Physics lab helper should know something.
Electricity Party: This Friday. We need advertising, music, food/snacks, candles. Music is going to be the hardest part – we can play but we need a lot of people to play too. Stressful weekend – maybe we should postpone it until another time besides party weekend. Weekend before Halloween and after fall break (10/23) would be much better for everyone and would give us more time to make the party better.
THIS WEEKEND: let’s have a Tea and Jams. 7pm on Thursday. Kate wants to make bread. Keri will make signs.
Keep the lights OFF! Keep the doors CLOSED! If we don’t close doors, we have to turn the heat on. And let’s keep the windows closed.
Garden: covercropped an area. Maintenance on the arugula. Hopefully the frost will kill the beetles on the arugula. Still trying to work out community service hours with beta. Waiting to hear back approval from Anthony. 1st work hours are supposed to be this Sunday but it’s party weekend so who knows. Scheduling 2 big workdays with betas
Compost in the kitchen: leave a small bucket in the kitchen WITH A LID and when it fills up, put it directly in the big compost bin. The important thing is to keep the lid closed. Cookie jar will now be used for chicken food.
What’s the holdup with McClurg compost? People are on it. Kate is getting buckets. Angie and Callie are painting it. Stella will make a sign. Let’s get the sign and bucket higher. Callie will lift ‘er up!
Behind the soda machine, there is a bucket with coffee grounds in it. We need to check so that it doesn’t fill up. All you have to do is take the plastic trash bag out of the bucket. Put it in whatever compost bin.
Canning workshop: a week from tomorrow (Monday). A week from today (Sunday) take a trip to the Williams Island Farm. Use serp money. Compton will send Ziggles an email to send cstudent.
Kate wants to do a craft night. She is going to try to do it tomorrow (Monday) night.
Angie wants kyle to come play music with us on Thursday.
Carson: fencing (estimate for electric), timers, buckets online
Kate: new buckets – for catching cold shower water
Keri: directing sinkwater to toilet tank – university would need to be consulted and convinced.
Stella and Compton are organizing the pumpkin carving party. Friday afternoon the weekend before Halloween. 30 small pumpkins ordered.
***Chicken names***
Huge gold bossy one: Sassy (short for Sassafras)
Other golden one: Snitch
RI Red: Commie
Little bad black one: LBH
Second smallest black one: Bruce
Rooster: Fidel
Black one with white: clucky
The black one: Voldemort Jesus Betsy
The huge one with all different colors (mostly brown): Sipsy
The plain brown one: Zelda
Owl: Ms. Lu
Whitey: Hedwig
1 comment:
Big fan of Voldemort Jesus Betsy.
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