Sunday, October 25, 2009

Meeting Minutes 10/25/09

Meeting Minutes 10/25/09

Everyone is excited about the Haunted House this Saturday at 8:30!!

We need big sheets of cardboard for the HH. Maggie will check Nabit.

Pumpkin carving on Wednesday. Rocco is supposed to be ordering pumpkins.

Potluck on Tuesday at 5. 40-45 people will be here at the GH. Olivia and Jane are making soup. Stella and Kate are making bread. Make sure the house is CLEAN!

Sandoor is coming on the 4th of November.

Felting workshop on the 12th of November.

Armentrout: November 14th.

Angie is working with print services to make a poster of greenhouse events. Add any event you would like to be on the poster.

-game night

-music jam

-contra dance

Thanksgiving. We tried to reserve a table. Call again. Dress in overalls and flannel. There is room for 2-3 extra people.

2 black chickens escaped today.

Meat/fur rabbits next semester or next year? We need to prove ourselves with the chickens first. Great idea and perfectly doable, but not until later.

Bucket for McClurg compost. Let´s paint it and resume taking it to McClurg.

Garden party: too cold to do it this semester. Wait until next semester.

Another faculty dinner soon. Probably next week because it´s too busy this week. Keri and Compton will work this out.

Chickens are great – in process of training them to go from the coop to the garden. Light is set up but timer is not yet – Callie is working on this. Carson has all of the supplies to put wheels on the chicken tractor.

Carson still thinks we´re awesome!

Let´s go on a retreat!!

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