Sunday, October 11, 2009

i love you


Green House Meeting

Keep it quick

Carson- Applicants

Historically, applicants decided by professors, but since it´s halfway through the year, its more of a community decision.

Two applicants would make things more crowded.

Decsion to accept two Applicants!!!


Shower timers are here in ziploc bags. Use them! They are easy to use, remember to record your shower time. Stopping and soaping up doesn´t count. Measure water usage. This is important for us to find out how much water we need as a house, and challenge ourselves not to waste water. Keep the timer going even when filling up the buckets.

Toilets- Fill up buckets full of cold water from shower and pour into the bowl to flush.

Chicken coop tracktors

Paul and Stella got netting, stakes and fencing. Lets make a new run!

The chickens can flutter out of the tractor.

When they get out they usually go back to the coop right away


Shitake logs are goin! Oyster mushrooms in the fridge are up for grabs (collected from the Perimeter Trail).

Kate- white board

White boards for the house, chicken coop and garden.

Kate needs help putting up the water catchment

Music jam-

Went great !


Nov 12- Seed Paper Making...... Maggie

Nov 14- 9pm- ARM & Trout.....Angie

Nov 4 - Sandor Katz..... Kate


Oct 31- Haunted House... Carson

Let´s make a poster !

Screen Print a master

ARM & Trout shirts

Arm and Trout Stamp....Crson can scan lukes stamp

Compost- just take it out. It is still a big, gross problem.

Compost Manager- Kate is the OFFICIAL COMPOST MANAGER!

Haunted house- we are going to buy stuff in Chattanooga. We need money. ADT can pitch in 100$. Bring anything you can from home, costumes masks, WIERD STUFF

Paul will be here on Fall Break to take care of the chickens.

Angie, Carson, Reed, Keri .... talk to Michael, Cody & Charles about filming more grassroots musicians ( Old Time Jam, Music Jams at greenhouse ..... Arm & TROUT)

Muddy PPS landscaping MCCRADY

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