Sunday, April 5, 2009

Meeting Minutes April 5

Solar installation went well.
We need to return the projector.

Need a list of everyone who has been to an event—just numbers

Not a second coffee house but a music night. Will advertise through word of mouth. This Friday the 10th. Emily would like to bake. Laura will get coffee from stirlings.

Chelsea will get egg dye and paul will get eggs from the farmers market so we can dye eggs this weekend.

During grad week sophomores will apply to stay—work in the garden.

We can work on the chicken coop during grad week too.

April 19 garden party- new house members will help. stay tuned for more information from Helen.

Bentley will talk to bands to see if they want to play on the 24th

Paul will talk to new house members about coming to meetings

On Tuesday there’s a gownsmen meeting where Paul and Elspeth are presenting a resolution regarding choosing the VC. Go to it!

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