Monday, November 16, 2009

Greenhouse Meeting minutes 11-15

·       House discussion with Marvin Pate this Thursday 4:45
·       Thanksgiving dinner at McClurg at 6 on Thursday
o       Send invitation to dr. zigler
·       Retreat- Wed Dec 16th-Friday 18th
o       Leave wed morning, get back Friday afternoon
·       Chickens
o       Thanksgiving break care by Lydia Boroughs. 
§       She’ll come by this weekend
§       She gets to keep the eggs for payment
o       Predator dogs
§       2 or 3 dogs attacked the chickens this morning
§       Carson tells long story about police officer
§       We’ll get an electric fence from the police man
§       For now, leave the chickens in the coop run
o       Whenever you’re outside, check for eggs so chickens don’t eat them
o       Thank you note to Amy Rae
§       Stella will make it, leave it on the kitchen table for us to sign
·       Keep an eye out for Elizabeth walker’s cell phone
o       Small blue Verizon
·       Kate- we need a set up/ clean-up crew for each event
·       Carson is meeting with Rocco sometime this week
·       Next Sunday GH meeting=food (FRITATTA) around 7 pm
o       Carson will order food
o       Everyone else will clean up
·       Dinning council meeting tomorrow at 12:00 upstairs McClurg in the ABC room

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