Sunday, April 3, 2011

4.3.11 minutes

Liason for GH garden party (new GHers should plan)? Sean and Katie
Egg breakfast next Saturday.
Donate some eggs—Sean will clean and donate them.
Callie got bunny feed. Bunnies should be let out every day, but we need to stay out there with them so they don't get dogged.
Something about sausage.
Pam's fiddler friend is coming--mini coffeehouse 23.4.11?
How to spend budget? Improve animals' lives. Expand chix yard.
Dr Haskell wants us to get the yard fenced in. A good idea, but we should do it in such a way as to not hinder access to the house (barrier between rest of campus and us).
Deerproofing student garden. Physical 8-10 ft barrier. Buy posts because we're lazy bums.
Lydia sold us a drum composter! we should go get it.
Clean out coop--Callie and Deanna.
Rabbits. Should start fresh next year so there's no pressure for the program to continue unless people really want to. Harvest them all at the end of the year? Discuss with rabbit project folks. Callie will organize a meeting for this Friday.
Who's taking care of the garden and chickens this summer?
Who for egg breakfast? 2 favorite professors and senior citizens.
electrofence. :)
VC and Dean Love?

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