Friday, June 13, 2008

wwoof to farmers market

yo greenhousers

i just got back a few days ago from wwoofing in colorado and it was an awesome experience! i was out there for about a month planting, weeding, watering, shoveling compost, and scavenging for food. Don (the delightful host who didn't find it necessary to feed me) lives entirely off the grid so that was cool to experience. now that i'm at home i'm working as the market manager at the Battlefield Farmers Market (a really small farmers market in the really small town i live in). this is the fourth year it's been up and running and we currently average about 12 vendors on saturdays and about 6 vendors on mondays and wednesdays. my main job is to promote the market and i was just wondering if any of ya'll had any cool ideas about doing that. i feel like this is an amazing opportunity to educate the people of the demographic of where i live (rock spring, ga- very rural and old fashioned) on the importance of local food as it pertains to the environment without stepping on too many toes of people who are very set in their ways. speaking of the demographic i have to go on the local television channel once a week to do a section to promote the market (i can't even begin to explain this to you- it is the most ridiculous redneck thing that you can't fully appreciate unless you see it) anyway so if ya'll have any cool ideas for that that would be awesome, too. 


1 comment:

Kate said...

i think the farmers market should host a party of some sort or a fair and have food they have grown, invite the whole town- like the one in sewanee did. how big is the town? you could do some individual invitations or make really big signs or scupltures with lots of pretty colors.

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